Research works in our group are as follows.
Development of high performance organic semiconductors
To develop high performance organic semiconductor, not only molecular structure design of high carrier mobility organic semiconductor
but to arrange the organic semiconductor molecules in highly ordered structure are indispensable.
Accordingly, we have been conducting the development of high performance organic semiconductors the following point of view.
- To clarify relationship between molecular structure and carrier transporting capability of organic semiconductors through experimental research based on Gaussian Disorder Model and theoretical research based on the Marcus electron transfer theory and to establish molecular design of high performance organic semiconductors.
- Regulation of the organic semiconductor molecules into highly ordered structure using self-organization.
Accordingly, we have been conducting the following research works.
- Analysis of carrier mobility in organic semiconductors based on Marcus electron transfer theory and and Gaussian Disorder Model
- Development of high carrier mobility organic semiconductors using self-oranizing nature of liquid crystalline
- Development of high carrier mobility organic semiconductors using self-oranizec organic-inorganic nanohybrids
Development of new type solar cells using organic semiconductors and organic-inorganic hybrids
Nowadays, development of new green energy such as solar cells is very important issue for sustainable society. We have been conducting the following research works to develop new solar cells with high cost performance.
- Organic solar cells using organic semiconductors having intramolelcular charge separation structure
- Solar cells using organic-inorganic perovskties
Development of optelectronic materials using organic-inorganic self-organized quantum wells
Organic-inorganic layered perovskites self-organizingly form a quantum well structure and they exhibit attractive electronic and optical properties owing to their low dimensional semiconductor structure. Using their self-organizing nature, we have been conducting the following research works to develop new optoelectronic materials.
- Fundamental optical properties in organic -inorganic layered perovskite quantum wells
- Development of preparation procedure to fabricate high quality organic-inorganic layered perovskite quantum wells
- Development of light emitting devices using organic -inorganic layered perovskite quantum wells
- Construction of hybrid quantum wells of organic -inorganic layered peorvskite having functional organic molecules as an organic layer and their application to optoelectronic devices
- Cavity polariton lasesr using organic-inorganic layered perovskite Langmuir-Blodgett films
Molecular design using quantum mechanical calculation
Using the quantum mechanical calculation softwares Such as Gaussian ,Games and so on. We can quantum mechanically calculate a variety of physical properties of materials. In particular, we focus on carrier mobility and optical nonlinearity.
Other research works
We also conduct development of scintillator dyes for detection neutron generated in nuclear fusion, laser dyes, OLED dyes and so on.